Industry Overview

India is the seciond largest global producer of footwear after china with annual production of 2065 million pairs.

The Footwear sector is a very significant segment of the leather industry in india - rather it is Engine of growth for the entire leather industry. Its export in footwear segment is close to US$ 2500 million. The historic city of Agra is the biggest footwear cluster of India. Agra is known for footwear manufacturing since the 15 th century. Agra has about 250 mechanized/semi mechanized units & 5000 cottage industries accounting for manufacturing capacity of 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 pairs per day. It provides about 4,00,000 jobs in the cluster. Today Agra meets 65% of domestic requirement & has 28% share in the total footwear exports from the country.